Are you sabotaging your own sleep? Details on the dangerous light waves that destroy your slumber.
Struggling with sleep problems?
The culprit may live in the palm of your hand.
Your smartphone is one of the greatest hurdles you need to jump on the journey to good and restful sleep.
Blue-light emitting technology like smartphones, tablets and laptops interrupt the bodies natural sleep cycle. This throws you off your game and puts your 8 hours at risk.
The solution?
Get your smartphone or any blue-light emitting device as far away as long as possible before bedtime.
Set a blue-light bedtime, and stick to it!
Make a commitment to stash the blue light at least 2 hours before your natural bedtime. Ideally, it would be recommended to stash the smartphone as the sun sets, but this is not always a possibility.
Store your smartphone at least 2 paces away from your bed while sleeping.
If possible leave it in another room while you slumber for best effects.
If you are really struggling we would suggest looking at the products below, which will pave the way to peaceful blue-light free sleep.
no. Sleep MaskR350.00
*This article is for information purposes only, whether or not it resembles the advice of a physician or medical practitioner. Any advice or suggestions offered does not claim to be an alternative to professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be depended on as scientific medical guidance. The views expressed in this article are the views of DigiCleanse, and do not necessarily represent the views of the author/s.