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Socialising – Being Present

When your attention is being pulled in all directions of the compass it is difficult to stay present. We have a couple of helpful tips to calm your compass. …

Breathing exercises

Why not check-in with the processes in your body that give you life. A selection of exercises to deepen your breathing and mental stillness. …

Ritual Recipes

The process of creating, serving and consuming ingredients can be a healing ritual rather than a chore…

Stories of social media deserters

We’ve all had the urge to abscond our social media accounts. Here are a few stories of online defectors and their newfound lust for life IRL. …

Nighttime rituals

Get your melatonin right. Treat yourself to regular restorative sleep with these easy to perform nighttime rituals.…

No streaming Sundays

Up for the challenge? Reset with a ‘no streaming Sunday’. Consume less digital content and watch as your mind and body flourish.…


A FREE online bedtime workshop with DigiCleanse Date: Wednesday 28 October 2020 Time: 9pm (for Bedtime) RSVP to to receive a link to the workshop meeting. We are all guilty of…